​​Charles Moses

Ana Noble 

Cara Nusinon

Susan Oakes 

Lucille Pallante​
Leslie Pfeiffer 

Jordan-Emmanuel Phliogene

Candace Platz 
Caryl Pomales 

Monica Postell 

Alicia Queiroz

Ava Rhodes

Marion Roberts

​Debra W.  Rosen

Pamela Boullier Ross

Pablo Schreiterer
Vasantha Siva

Lois Spatz 
Barry Stefan 

Karen Stern

Carl Stoveland

Raymonde Talleyrand 

Sydney Tate
Cindi Taylor

Edrian Thomidis
Nancy Tilles 

Eve Troncone

Albertus H. Van Vuuren

Sofia Vega 

Marion Virello 

Andrea Vossen

Elaine Weber 

Tamar (Tammy) Wolfson

Marjorie Zambrano
Hermi Zumbado

Halyna Albanese

Victoria (H. V.) Albrecht 

Lady Baawine

Barbara Bailey
Brigitte Balbinot 

Hartley Barnes

Jeannine Beehler​
Emily Bergstrom
Heather Bergstrom 

Michael A Bergstrom 

Michael D Bergstrom
​Betty Brodie
Shirley Browne 

Lisa Campbell 

Pamela Carman

Janine Carter

Lara Chapman 

Lori Charnow

David Ciofalo

Kimberly Clark

Rebecca Butler Clark​​
A.R. (Bob) Coningsby 

Saskia Courcelles

Maria Fernanda Cruz

Antonio DeLorenzo
Ayesha DeLorenzo 
Ismail DeLorenzo

Shane DeLorenzo

Yusuf DeLorenzo

Kim DiGiacomo​

Lynn Doyal 

Roberta Ehrenberg

Gail Erickson 

Andrea Folkes-Hinds

Faye Ford

Ashley Forkey
​Del Foxton
​Nancy Fried

Sofia Gangale 

Marie Gauthier

Cynthia George 

Norman Gitzen  

Janine "Jan" Gmitter 

Massimo Rafaele Gomez 

Rose Gong Monier

Griselda “GG” Gonzalez 

Stephanie “Alyrical ” Gowdy
Marcia Greene 

Kris Hilles  

Molly Hornigsfeld Greenspan

Sandra Harmon

Jeam Howard 

Annamaria W. Hunt​
Laura Jaffe  

Anthea Kerou
Carolina King 
Carol Lynn Krenkel
Erica Kyle
Lou Ann LaBohn

Nancy Lee 

Tami Levy

George Lupo

Joseph Marcou  

Shahen Markarian

Peter Marshall

Richard Mauseth 

Maureen May

Dinah Mirson 

Susan Mosely

Meet The Wellington Art Society Members

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